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Dan Greene, chief songwriter of Mountain Movers, started home-recording in 1988, and in 1994 he created his first four track recorded album. That album would prove to be the first of a great many (92 and counting as of the time of this writing). In 2011, for the first time, Greene released two of these home-recordings on cassette; “Come In” and “Get out,” numbers 38 and 39 respectively (both are collaborations with Rick Omonte and were therefore released under the Mountain Movers moniker). In 2019 Greene decided to open his door to collaboration again, this time with New Haven musicians Stefan Christensen and David Shaprio. Home-recording number 78 was made with Christensen over the course of several months and is titled “Why I Was A Burglar” (a tribute to French illegalist Marius Jacob). The recordings were made with various 4 and 8 track cassette machines, as well as Christensen’s Crowncorder reel-to-reel, which unbeknownst to the musicians gave its final gasp of life just after they completed this release's dizzying title track. Sounds range from guitar noise improvisation to deliberate songwriting, happenstance sound captures to overdubbed precision tunes. While Christensen’s contributions will sound familiar to listeners familiar with his work, Greene’s marks will be new to all but the lucky few who have been allowed to hear his home-recordings over the years; found sounds, tremolo’d vocals, strummed acoustic, fuzzed out solos and his always profound songwriting. An excellent introduction to Greene’s solo recordings and a wonderful collaboration between two of New Haven’s strongest voices. Limited to 75 copies.